Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Christianity/ Catholics

Catholicism did not begin for the first thousand of years of the start of Christianity. The reason why was because there was no Eastern Orthadoxy or Protestanism to start it. There was only the "one, holy, catholic church" affirmed by the early creeds, which was the body of Christian believers all over the world, united by common traditions, beliefs, church structure and worship. Catholic means "universal". During the Middle Ages, if you were a Christian, you belonged to the Catholic Church.
The belief's of Distinctive Roman Catholic beliefs include the special authority of the pope, the ability of saints to intercede on behalf of believers, the concept of Purgatory as a place of afterlife purification before entering Heaven. The bread used in the Eucharist becomes the true body of Christ when blessed by a priest. Catholics celebrate Mass. In Catholicism, Mass is the Eucharist. Catholics pray to the Virgin Mary to thank her for bringing baby Jesus to earth.

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